Saturday, February 28, 2009

Prayer for the One Holy Catholic Church

O GRACIOUS Father, we humbly beseech thee for thy holy Catholic Church; that thou wouldest be PLEASED to fill it with all TRUTH, in all Peace. Where it is CORRUPT, PURIFY it; where it is in ERROR DIRECT it; where in any thing it is AMISS, REFORM it. Where it is Right, Establish it where it is in WANT, Provide for it; where it is DIVIDED, REUNITE it; for the SAKE of Him who DIED and ROSE again, and ever liveth to make INTERCESSION for us (HIS CHURCH) JESUS CHRIST, THY SON, our LORD. AMEN

From: 1928 Prayer Book

Please join with us praying for healing and restoration of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.

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